Dear Friend

Dear friend,

This has been on my heart for sometime now,

I’m not quite sure I know how to articulate it all that well..

I will try my best…

We haven’t seen much of one another in a while,

and when we do we pick it back up where we left it.

How come we ever let it down?

I came around making it convenient

for you to use my shoulder to dump your tears on,

You have noone left…

I am your last choice.

I let you decompress,

even with everything weighing on my

own chest I try my best to be stable for you?

Do you do this often?

Use people like a sponge?

While you ring out your worries on me

I am saturated.

I am a people pleasure and an empath

I allow it…so whose fault is it really?

You told me never to leave you.

I say I have always been here.

You said you can’t lose anyone else,

I say unless you leave me,

I am not going anywhere.

It sounds refreshing for a while even new ,

I added you to my list of people I can lean on…

but you got distracted…again.

Someone new came along and you know longer

remembered the words you to told me!

The tears you left on my shoulder…

because I am your last choice right?

I didn’t get a turn to lean on you.

I was your sponge cleaning up a mess…

no it’s my fault I introduced you

to the love of your life…or a future ex…

We aren’t kids anymore…

I asked you to make time for me

between the two of you,

don’t forget me while you get know one another.

Our schedules never seem to work out right

Heart texts and check ins fade away

Dear friend…are we even really friends?

Cause I feel more like a container…

a jar to pour your problems in

because you know that I will catch them.

Dear friend I am happy for you,

I am happy you are finally happy

with your life, everything is working out right

It all seems to have happen at the same time

I walked back into your life

but so did he.

You forgot about me.

Do you ever think about checking on

the person who set this into motion ?

Just remember dear friend

you asked me to stay…

I am not the one who walked away.

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